Thursday, May 17, 2012

Romney's Bullying Past

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been under speculation for behaving as a bully during his school days. Several instances have surfaced about Romney's actions while in prestigious private schools such as playing "the primary role in forcibly pinning fellow student John Lauber to the ground and clipping the terrified Lauber's hair. The soft-spoken Lauber, it seemed, had returned from spring break with bleached-blond hair draped over one eye. Romney, infuriated, declared, "He can't look like that. That's wrong. Just look at him!" Lauber eyes filled with tears as he screamed for help. One of the other students in the dorm at the time said, 'It was a hack job... It was vicious.'" (source)

Romney claims to not remember the incident happening but after five of his classmates came foward describing the incident, did attempt an apology:

The story is still developing so we'll see how Romney continues to handle the situation and the issue of bullying. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, so important! Also a really interesting look at bullying. It makes you wonder if kids who learn how to be powerful and get what they want by hurting or taking advantage of others in high school will continue to use these tacts (albeit more subtly) in adulthood (e.g. in politics)...
